

We understand sound from both analytic and aesthetic point of view. This lets us create things like market-leading music search & recommendation engine based on music similarity or audio fingerprinting algorithms which work well in noisy environments. Very noisy, in fact.

We often cross boundaries between technical and creative disciplines, because we believe that the world we live in should be smart and beautiful at the same time. For instance, when we build voice libraries for automated voice announcement systems in over 15 languages, we always aim for the end result to sound as human-like as possible.

Even though sound is deeply embedded in our system, we don't shy away from software development projects well beyond the audible range. We love Python. It is our language of choice for many different tasks, be it machine learning, data processing or web applications.

We are a small but dedicated team based in Prague. We have been working with clients across the globe on great products that improve the lives of millions of people. It is always exciting to hear about new challenges and ideas.

By the way, we also love music!

Get in touch!

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